An intro to Intuitive Eating

A 10-session virtual program empowering individuals to develop a healthier relationship with food through exploring and practicing intuitive eating principles with shared meals and group discussion

What you’ll get

  • Guidance with planning and preparing balanced, nutritious and satisfying meals

  • A safe space with accountability and encouragement while shifting away from restrictive or disordered food choices

  • Support with broadening food choices and discovering pleasure and satisfaction with eating

  • Learning new skills to manage stress, anxiety and emotional challenges that arise during meals times

  • In-depth exploration of intuitive eating principles and mindful eating practices

  • Increasing trust within the body and with food through experimentation and practice

Led by Registered Dietitians Hannah Robinson and Ali Eberhardt, this small group program is designed to help individuals who want to learn intuitive eating principles, and practice these new skills with a safe, supportive community. Each session offers a 45 minute meal support at lunch time followed by a 45 minute process group exploring each of the intuitive eating principles.

Meal Support Overview:

  • • Guidance from Registered Dietitians on how to combine food groups for nutritious and satisfying meals

    • Learning how to portion food groups to ensure your body gets the nutrients it needs to thrive

  • Practicing mindful eating strategies and discover joy, pleasure and satisfaction from eating foods you enjoy

  • Discovering the fun, power and encouragement from sharing meal times with others

Intuitive Eating Curriculum:

  • Exploring your current relationship with food and dieting

  • Recognizing and responding to hunger signals

    • Challenging food rules and restrictions

    • All foods fit mentality

  • Practicing self-compassion

  • Building meals and snack that satisfy

    • Understanding how fullness feels in the body

    • Tolerating discomfort and learning to stop when satisfied

    • Identifying emotional triggers

    • Developing alternative coping strategies

    • Exploring Heath At Every Size principles

    • Cultivating body neutrality

    • Finding joy in movement

    • Honouring and permission to rest

    • Balancing nutritional needs without rigidity

    • Nourishing your body with compassion





Option One

Offer available for current clients of Hannah Robinson or Ali Eberhardt.

Price includes:

  • 7.5 hours of meal support ($1520)

  • 7.5 hours of intuitive eating teaching and process group ($1520)

  • Meal planning and portioning guides and resources ($50)

  • Access to intuitive eating worksheets and homework ($175)

Valued at: $3200+


Option Two

Offer available for new clients of Hannah Robinson or Ali Eberhardt.

Price includes:

  • 55 minute 1:1 nutrition assessment conducted by Registered Dietitian ($200)

  • 7.5 hours of meal support ($1520)

  • 7.5 hours of intuitive eating teaching and process group ($1520)

  • Meal planning and portioning guides and resources ($50)

  • Access to intuitive eating worksheets and homework ($175)

Valued at: $3400+

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • The choice is yours! We ask that your meal has at least 4 food groups present including a grain, a protein, a fruit or vegetable, dairy or fat.

  • To create a safe and supportive environment for all, we ask that individuals participating in the meal support complete 100% of what they bring for lunch.

  • Nope! This group is for individuals who want to learn more about intuitive eating, and practice these skills with the support of a community and Registered Dietitians.

  • Yes! You have the option of paying for the program in 1 or 2 installments.

  • We ask all individuals who join this group to have had at least one session with one of the group facilitators prior to the program launch. This is to ensure we know you well enough to support you. We have a special pricing offer for new clients!

  • Nope! If one of our sessions falls on a statutory holiday in BC, we will resume the following week. You will still participate in 10 sessions. All sessions will be on Mondays.

  • We like to keep our group sizes small so participants can build trust and community with the other members. As such we limit each cohort to 8 members. We offer the spots on a first come, first served basis. If you do not receive a spot in the current cohort, you will be placed on a waitlist for future group programs.

  • The current waitlist is open for September - December 2024 program